Purchase options
Website purchases
Grass Finished Beef - by the cut - We don't ship or deliver farm products. Products purchased on our website must be picked up at the farm by appointment. We offer a 10% discount if you purchase with cash in person. We're also able to charge by exact weight with cash purchases. Just give us a call to tell us what you want and schedule a pick-up. We're flexible most of the time.
Grass Finished Beef - Whole and Half animal purchases - Please see the Whole and Half animal store items below for details and feel free to contact us with any questions. If either of these options aren't currently available, and you'd like to be on a waiting list, please contact us. When animals become available, we'll contact you before posting availability on the website.
3rd Party Vendors
Little Farm Store Association - The Little Farm Store Association offers our beef by the cut as well as farm products from other local farms in our region. They offer pick-up at their location near Seymour, Missouri and a delivery rout along Hwy 60 from Springfield, MO to Mountain Grove, MO. Visit their website at https://littlefarmstore.com for details.